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First success of Dutch shale gas /coal bed methane protests

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First success of Dutch shale gas /coal bed methane protests  Empty First success of Dutch shale gas /coal bed methane protests

Message  Ko van Huissteden Sam 29 Oct 2011 - 1:01

Dear all,

The Dutch protests against shale gas and coal bed methane have had their first succes:

- In Brabant, the permit for a test drilling was withdrawn after a court appeal by citizens and a major Dutch bank which has its data center next to the drill site.

- There was a joint demonstration of all Dutch anti shale gas / coal bed methane groups together, next to the government centre in The Hague, preceding a discussion in a parliamentary commission

- During the parliamentary commission meeting, members of the parliament were very critical on safety and environmental effects of shale gas and coal bed methane. Minister Verhagen was forced to postpone further drilling for one year, and promised an assessment of environmental aspects.

This effectively means a one year moratorium!

Ko van Huissteden
(sorry for posting this in English)

Ko van Huissteden

Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 29/10/2011

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